Over 40 years of successful marketing, we have identified six major markets for the Longhorn breed.

The Showman

These people are interested in showing their cattle or just showing off their cattle. They appreciate genetics, horn, color, and body; and understand that you pay for quality. They may be looking for a hobby and generally want “eat out of your hand” gentle cattle. They are also interested in the investment possibilities.


These buyers want an investment that does not sit in a safe deposit box, but rather one to enjoy while reaping the tax benefits. They want eye appeal and disposition. They usually board their cattle. (This is a service that we offer to our investors.)

Purebred Breeders

These buyers purchase the top 10% of our bulls and 90% of our females. Their marketing is aimed at the same five types of buyers. Quality, variety, and genetics are important.

Commercial Breeders

These buyers want big, beefy bulls to breed to their first-calf heifers and sound producing range-type females to produce their own bulls. They do not care about horn or color just big bodies and sound milkers. They utilize Longhorn genetics for calving ease, disease resistance, longevity, browse utilization, and old-fashioned good mothering. They need hearty cattle to utilize rough country and recognize Longhorns as the answer.


These are buyers who produce ropers or roping cattle. They buy our steers and only want the biggest horn at the earliest age.

All Natural, Grass Fed Beef

This market is getting stronger every day. With today's health conscience consumers, the longhorn meat is a great answer to eating healthy and not having to give up red meat; and they are glad to pay for it. This is a market that is easy to tap, all within a 200 mile radius of the provider, you. This is a strong market, waiting to be fully taped.

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